A new way to own a car
Dribe is a car subscription service based on the simple insight that throughout the year, people need different types of cars.
Freedom of choice?
Today, there are very few reasons to buy and own a car. Leasing contracts often tie you down for longer than most people would like. So, what’s the alternative? This is where Dribe comes into play.
Dribe is a digitally-driven subscription service that rethinks the entire concept of car ownership. With a Dribe membership, subscribers have access to Denmark’s largest shared garage and can choose the car that suits their current needs – whether it’s for moving day, a wedding day, or just everyday use.
The digitalised process ensures that Dribe meets all GDPR requirements: members’ identities are verified using NemID, driving licences are automatically uploaded, and rental agreements are issued solely through the app.
From 2018 to 2019, Dribe’s revenue grew from DKK 43.7 million to DKK 66 million.Dribe’s subscription model has successfully combined technological capabilities and user-friendly design with the evolving mobility needs of consumers. Unlike leasing companies that typically bind customers to long-term contracts of 24-36 months, a Dribe car subscription never ties you down to one specific car.
Users can swap their everyday car every 30 days or add on special vehicles to meet particular needs – such as when the family heads off on a skiing holiday.
The Danish public has embraced the car subscription model. In just two years, Dribe has become Denmark’s fifth-largest company measured by the number of cars registered for private leasing, achieving a market share of 6%. Customer satisfaction (as indicated by TrustPilot ratings) also shows that Dribe is more highly regarded than its competitors (as of 31.12.2019):
Dribe: 4,5
GoMore: 4,1
Bilabonnement.dk: 3,9
Movon: 3,0
The car industry, traditionally accustomed to renting on its own terms, has been turned on its head by a subscription model that understands the growing demand for flexibility and digital solutions centred around the user.
Do you want to know more?

Contact Christina Tønnesen
Phone: +45 21 70 95 89
Mail: ct@mensch.dk