Something to live off. Something to live for.
Few industries harbour as many difficult questions as the agriculture industry. For several years we have worked on their reputation, and actually some years the numbers showed that things were heading in the right direction.
The future is not as dark as it used to be.
What makes an interest group invest more than 60 million kr. spread across three years? What do you get for that amount and does it pay off? These are all good questions and when it comes to farming and food, they are even answerable.
After the fusion of Landbrugsraadet, Danske Slagterier and Dansk Svineproduktion in 2009 the mutual interest group Danish Agriculture & Food Council was established.
Very quickly the new organization identified the reputation of the industry as one of the most significant challenges. For in the wake of many years of bad publicity to do with animal welfare, environmental problems and EU grants, the industry had virtually no backing in the public at large. The result was a lack of interest on Christiansborg, deteriorating regulatory frameworks, and an industry regarded by many as a relic of the past.
On that backdrop, the board of the council launched ”A New Narrative”.
A strategy aiming to: develop the organization so that it doesn’t only represent the views of the industry, but as well understands the larger context and the wider perspective. For the industry to help solve societal challenges to do with food quality, energy, environment, medicine, and animal welfare. And not least to establish a new dialogue with the world at large, based on openness and trust.
It was decided to invest 60 million kr. over three years towards the implementation and achievement of the new strategy. The go ahead was given to develop a campaign that created the desired turning point. ”The future is not as dark as it used to be” was made the central theme in an optimistic campaign; a number of surprising case stories gave a nuanced impression of an industry in the midst of lively development. The message of the campaign was diffused via non paid media – Facebook, YouTube and PR as well as paid media – TV and cinema commercials, ads, and digital banners.
Select results.
- In the campaign period knowledge of the organisation Danish Agriculture & Food Council rose by 115%.
- The share of Danes with a positive impression of the agriculture industry rose by 74%.
- On average the film scored 50% better than benchmark on Attention, Involvement and Effect.
- There was a significant progress in the attitude of the Danes towards agriculture measured by several crucial parameters such as Innovation, Environment, Food Hygiene Security, Ecology, Animal Welfare, Societal Economy and Securing Workplaces.
- In 2014 the campaign won an Advertising Effectiveness Award.
Do you want to know more?

Contact Christina Tønnesen
Phone: +45 21 70 95 89