CopenPay: Copenhagen attractions for climate friendly actions.
In the summer of 2024, the media was filled with demonstrations in cities around the world and images of drenched tourists seeking cover from the demonstrators’ water guns.
Against this backdrop, we launched the CopenPay campaign for Visit Copenhagen. Twenty-six attractions, from the National Museum to the SMK (Statens Museum for Kunst), rewarded green actions in Copenhagen. For example, one could pay for lunch by collecting a bag of trash, get a discount on admission by cycling, or gain free entry to the Karen Blixen Museum by helping to maintain the garden.
The reaction was wonderfully overwhelming. The initiative received massive global media coverage, from CNN, Le Figaro, The New York Times, and Der Spiegel to the Times of India and China Today. There were more than 1,300 news articles and “earned media” valued at more than 150 million DKK.
It was, of course, a success for the attractions and Copenhagen. But perhaps we can also set an example that can help make tourism a little more sustainable around the rest of the world.
Do you want to know more?
Contact Rune Hørslev
Phone: +45 31 34 57 69